Monday, December 15, 2014

Preparedness Plus

To my friends
 Funding will
allow me to find and or get me to, asset management
professionals and investors, or get me some lawyers

to write my will so that the mob won't get their hooks into
When I die I have a funny feeling the State of
New Jersey is going to all of a sudden find that Billion dollars
that Corzine lost some years back.

Anyway aside from that, I'd appreciate it if 
you could Help me out, . buy a HELSAR T-Shirt, 
a Phoenix Emblem, representing the aviation equipment 
venture that rose back up out of the dust.
Or choose, "The Chopper Bungee" TN©041615 ,
See an example of what the equipment is capable 
of in the video below,
In Concept and Theory,
It's real and it's here to stay, you can see that,
but nobody is gonna jump out and give you a

million dollars like you were Professor Flubber.
"Sky Spider" TN©041615,.is a future Brand 
Trade Name for the HELSAR Lifeline Equipment,
So the same goes for that.

Be sure to read and observe all in this blog.
then please go to:

and get a Phoenix, HELSAR-T



Thanks For Dropping By


Helicopter Search and Rescue

Survival Gear there at the Start 

The Next Generation ER-SAR Helicopters


This Is What A Chopper Bungee Does
                               Next Generation Helicopters

What you are viewing when you watch the above video, is, in my opinion, an essential helicopter equipment technology, with an efficiency that can only be accomplished by a highly organized technical aviation industry, this equipment scenario appears to be an elasticity of the line but is actually 
a mechanical contrivance in line deployment equipment.

The future of vertical flight missions will encounter a task environment of increased demands.
At this stage it means having ocean rescues with fewer 
complications and  more in flight  precision capable maneuvers. 
Reason, equipment and avionics that provides more control performance capabilities.

Similar mission advantages will be available for, forested areas, flash floods, fire rescues, and areas of unexpected conditions and situations including, changes in retrieval direction. Take for example an ER
Vehicle carrying a critical injured person held up in the traffic of a draw bridge opening. Preparedness Plus are the key words.




 Defining New Use Technologies

              Date of Public Refueling Technology Disclosure 120414

The same concept that you see in the video concerning the rescuer and the stretcher delivery, will keep innovation alive for the future of  HELSAR air service systems, for example, when it comes to a whirlybirds need for an instant refueling station. It can be delivered on time and up front, from several source points.

Refueling a helicopter that is in  mission deployment is an absolute
necessity regardless of predisposition including weather conditions. When you need fuel to succeed in the mission, you simply have to have it.  

HELSAR, mission prepared air to land and air to sea refueling tank delivery system presents an interesting choice of options, these include enhanced GPS location and signal systems that will operate day or night.

 In cases outside mid air refueling, a helicopter can refuel under the same conditions that the mission is involved in,
therefore, in any scenario, preparedness is the key to winning the game.

 Helicopter or Jet, Day or Night
This is a technology concept in refueling.

        Creating a Safe Harbor for Investments

The Investment grade quality of HELSAR futures lies in the 
ability for risk capital to have the maximum benefit of secure investment policies. As such, in this case all copyrights involving the present technical concepts including refueling scenarios will be assessed on their capacity to serve the Search and Rescue Products advertising and sales world wide.

Patents are an intangible compared to Copyrights that comprise
world wide advertisements, the recent  HELSAR, mission prepared air to land and air to sea refueling tank delivery system is a significant move forward, and a mile stone in Emergency Site response technology that will help make HELSAR an 
international brand. For example, this is a scenario that
would make a difference in the "Perfect Storm"

At this time the refueling technology if patentable,
might be the beginning of a long hard up-hill fight to win.
While the company still maintains the copyright futures,
the big money is in the manufacturing industry.
The fact is that there is much activity involved
If the HELSAR assets are carried beyond copyrights

and are able through key source technical
and production engineering to proceed into
gaining a patentcy that hold a competitive future,
The future is only as good as the plan.

The plan is to act in favor of the public claim, for example;
the refueling technology as such is an investible asset.

The rules that govern the competitive property rights,
and the ability to have superior patent claims, has a great
deal to do with lowering the risk.
Therefore, the plan is not only to insure the intangible
properties, as is offered by business insurance such as
 Lloyds of London,
but to develop the expedition right up to the 
manufacturing base, ensuring a defend-able valuation. 

Then put this fledgling asset into a  reliable
Asset Development and Wealth Management
Corporate Structure.

Assets in Litigation

This is what the competition looks like.

These are the manufacturers of Helicopters
They are accomplished in producing a fine craft with a capable future.
For the time being SAR demands are governed by hovering
capabilities and it seems that the present day helicopter
qualifies for getting the job done.
Helicopter, Tilt, Rotary Wing or Unmanned,
they are all vertical lift air craft
SAR life line equipment bears

a common characteristic, it functions to
advance efficiency and safety factors,
that will accomplish the mission.
   So, . . 
Is HELSAR still in there, amongst these giants?
You bet it is!
 Concept art is the, "stuff
that dreams are made of ", and, . .
it is also the stuff
that blue prints are made of.
Since concepts by law are
protected by public disclosure,

HELSAR could easily be in a
position of leverage.

Here In Lies Another Competitor

This one is a type previously mentioned but could    
be more dangerous, because he can turn out to be
the guy who inside trades with the competitor's      
                              above, like for example, lobbyist, Defense                                            Department contractors, and animators who can
schmooze the deals.                                           

I don't want to be rude but if this one's a
competitor, he clearly leaves something

to file a suit about, and that is using a 
copyright infringement to undermine a 
patentable technology, sort of like 
inside trading, I'm not saying that is 
what it is, but I am not saying that is what 
it isn't. Be careful when your sneaking around 
a couple of hundred million dollars, and Defense
Department Contractors, Hollywood, and Wall Street.
They can be a lethal combination. 

SJEDD,  Nexgen,  Stockton ARTP

If you have a great technology but you don't 
have money, you make a deal with the Gov.
to bring the future to the kids, charge the
tax budget a mill then set up your deal with
the Defense Department Contracts while
your getting the inflight bugs out of the

YAHOO Search April 14th Search Words : disneytoon studios + helicopter animations
Monde Animation: New ‘Planes: Fire & Rescue’
Apr 07, 2014 · Walt Disney Studios and DisneyToon Studios have released a new trailer for Planes: Fire & Rescue titled 'Thunder' Check these two new posters for Disney's ...


      The 2014 HELSAR Rescue Swimmers Helmet

The 2014 Helmet is designed to be fitted with a wet suit hood liner built in as
 part of the helmet and will not allow the helmet to slip or slide when worn in
 the water. The thing is that Rescue swimmers in helicopters were having some
difficulties with head injuries going in and out of the chopper. The Helmet
surface is a void of any thing but a smooth rounded surface,
this includes the light units .The exterior signal system allows
the pilot to know the rescue swimmers location and gives the swimmer
his forward vision light.


SG Cell-Com Vest

                     Original Survival Gear Rescue Swimmers Helmet
                                                   This is a model of the original is an earlier date.

Purchase Art or Items that may be for sale from another
link you can connect to concerning other projects,
among a list of blog pages found near the
bottom of this page.

For Credit Card Use
Please Look On Lower Left Of
PayPal Donate Page For:
Use Your Credit Card or Bank Account
"Click" - > Then Continue

International Accounting Standards Board standard 38 (IAS 38)[3] defines an intangible asset as: "an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance." This definition is in addition to the standard definition of an asset which requires a past event that has given rise to a resource that the entity controls and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow. Thus, the extra requirement for an intangible asset under IAS 38 is identifiability. This criterion requires that an intangible asset is separable from the entity or that it arises from a contractual or legal right.

The above concerns the asset evaluation related to the;
past event and expectations of future economic benefits.
In the first case HELSAR interpretation of the (IAS) standard
stems from the copyrights protecting a future technology as
an advertisement asset, given that HELSAR is the company
that is, in the category of aviation concepts that
represent advantages in the
SAR Emergency Response product fields World Wide.

 This updating concerns the need to establish legal grounds to reposition, recount, protect and defend the financial legitimacies of the asset assessments and debts incurred, during the time that I was involved in the business venture, known as the Survival Gear Company, later to become HELSAR

Started in 1999, in the state of New Jersey SG was in the business of developing new equipment concepts and products for helicopter, sea search and rescue technologies. The business plan forecasted these product developments for production manufacturing.
I borrowed apx. 150,000 and worked apx. 5 yrs building SG,  and brought  it to what appeared to be a successful venture, before the credit failure occurred. 
The financial failure occurred as a business statistic, when in fact it is my belief that conveniently these statistics were used to obscure the actual facts,  ones that stemmed from the appropriation of one of my credit lines, A Financial Corporation, Textron some how purchased
or otherwise appropriated one of my credit lines. I later found out that Textron is owned by 
Bell Helicopter, and that they also own, Bell Helmets.

This adversary or competitor, may not have ­­created the debt but very well may have caused it.
That's where the intentions concerning the appropriation of my credit line becomes questionable.

When financing helicopter technologies one should be somewhat careful about who to trust, especially if they happen to be another helicopter company.

I counted on and trusted a ten billion dollar company, resulting in a financial failure and the overall  collapse of my credit.  

 Textron Financial Corporation, which later became, "the third party", in question, made refinancing impossible.

During the start-up I used several bank loans, credit cards and credit lines, to keep
the business moving forward.  In 2002 -2003 the plan was to raise capital or
refinance the debt because the need for more money was becoming obvious, while
at the same time the
technical productivity seemed reliable and the viability visible.

The business plan was created to project 3 to 5 million in profits in three to five years. This concerned small but novel products that were designed to precede larger more
sophisticated industrial products such as, "in-flight rescue line equipment".

One such small product was a, "buoyant water-proof cell phone", to be marketed to the, "out-of-doors", sports market, world wide. 

Now thirteen years later the HELSAR company, adds technologies to the improvement of the, SG Cell Phone Model. It is a twin ensemble, with one model kept in a specialized, "On Board Life Jacket", where it remains on full charge when not in use. It's twin is used as a carry on person, hand held communicator, replacing the use of the everyday cell phone, when the user is on or near the water.

A power supply is built into vest, both communicators use an activated switch that signals when it is in the water so that it can be seen at night, GPS and radio capability features are the uniform plan in development. GPS Mayday Signaling and broadcast and power storage systems are presently being researched for technical development. The present feasibility plan is that communications technology a system in the event of a sinking craft can be used to boost broadcast  to a "Satellite Mayday",  this will operate with a built in drift  location indication that calculates separate from GPS location. This is also a technology that is needed for lost at sea aircraft whereby the GPS Location device signals from the surface rather then below the surface.

I have always questioned the legal aspects surrounding the circumstances, of a third party involvement, that concerned the financial failure. and debt. I was under the impression, (when I learned that Textron was a BELL helicopter company), that I had a friend in the business, and that somehow they had learned that I was a designer in helicopter search and rescue and were interested in supporting me.
I continually updated the progress of the Survival Gear Company by reporting the developing technologies as they occurred to Textron asking them to file the progress reports so that it would serve as a, "due-diligence", back up, in the developing  business plan.
The credit failure occurred after l decided to refinance through the relationship I thought I had with Textron.  When the need arose and refinancing was apparently on the table, Textron reacted to my request by giving me a phone contact for their small business support office, as stated by this time I had already submitted the plan and various parts of the plan as it was being developed, therefore the main office of Textron had already on file a description of the products and technologies comprising the plan. According to the advice of the account management, the plan was also sent to the small business support office that Textron provided. Communications with Textron and their small business support office failed because they ignored messages to make reply for the next three months, there was no communication with any of Textron's Office's to or with Survival Gear, many attempts were made to contact their offices. My credit collapsed and I became the subject to a domino effect, but remained faithful that the progression would allow the truth to surface.

They simply ignored communications, it is my opinion that if a request for refinancing were based on the business plan, than they did not want provide an answer to accept or decline, since acceptance would then have them supporting helmets and helicopter equipment that they wanted possession of, and if they declined they would need to explain why, since they would not want to comment and commit themselves to acknowledge the existence of new equipment technologies, they chose to simply ignore further communications.

I believe in acquiring my account the Textron Financial Corporation and its close association with BELL were motivated to purchase a credit portfolio that included my credit line from the Sun Trust,  as a way to conduct espionage to compete with my developing designs and technologies.

It is also my contention that a closer examination of all these facts would be more revealing as to the time line and activities of all the parties concerned.

Textron was the only creditor that did not seek collection of the debt that transpired,   I see this as a way to shelter themselves from being actively involved in the conduction of business with Survival Gear, whereby the limit of stature after seven yrs. would exclude them from involvement. This would seem worth their efforts, since the technologies being referred to could easily be used to create hundreds of millions of dollars in profitable assets for their company and associates. It is reasonable to suspect that these activities would provide these insiders with illegitimate assets that could be hidden and laundered or converted into viable cash accounts proposing assets within the treasury of their company(s) and their associates, or to be used for future Defense Department contracts.
I believe that there is little known, or mentioned, about the limitations
 concerning the, “legal limit of statures”.
 Legal ground beyond, the, “legal limit of stature”, would constitute a defense for or against this stature and would be  attributable to certain facts;

Of which one of importance is the, “legal limit of stature”, defined as a ruling that makes void the use of any legal obligations for all involved parties, past or present. Question is, since the court may justify when a period of time has lapsed from on set or start to a time after seven years and  since legal applications are pertinent in resolving a decision, it would seem that after seven years it is over for the creditor, who in some cases may sell your debt to another collector,
but it is not over for the debtor who has only begun to pay for the law that no longer protects him, but instead oppresses him, while the creditor has no longer a concern to answer justice.

A seven year period begins and ends, where?

At that time of the first suit against me, I made a request to vacate the charge and requested a trial by jury, but was denied, on grounds that a 3rd party involvement was not a valid reason, an attorney involved in the collection decided to prevent my trial.

The court here first scheduled a trial, then after the attorney denied me to the Civil court, the court sent me a notice not to appear and there would be no appeal , since I did not check a little box requesting an oral argument resulting in no trial by jury for me.

Conversely this may not be justifiable grounds for denial, but also, since the debt pertains to out of state financial business and is about intangible
proprietaries, can be defined as being in the domain of a federal jurisdiction.

Therefore it is reasonable to assume questionable, as it would be to think that conspiracy to commit a crime if not recorded or uncovered in seven years, would be questionable, if ever discovered, at the time of discovery would then provide no defense for the victim. In especially that the law does not now allow the debtor clemency after seven years. The debtor who is paying a debt that has been the result of an illegal act after seven years,  also includes the question of the constitutionality.The seven year stature protects one but not the other and 
this seems to be done without just cause.
The constitutionality of the, "legal limit of stature", as a protection, to any of the parties, in this case, since it should be determined that the business of finance has never expired because the debt whether negligent or criminal is still actively perpetrated against the victim, who in this case has been prevented from  his right to a trial by jury, and therefore prevented from making a statement on record, in this case, disclosing the value of his assets at that time, and what may be defined as a federal crime and or a conspiracy to fraudulently or otherwise illegally appropriate and or to make use of valuable technologies and information that is the debtor's  property, deemed and defined as ,”intellectual property”, and can only be defended in a timely manner based on time limitation imposed by law. This then would allow the law to be used to attack rather then defend the rights of a citizen. I think that most would agree that many technology innovations are still in development twenty years after it is discovered or invented, and that twenty years, is the length of a career and at times the length of a patent license, and or the time it takes to turn around and look back.

Financial crime can be perpetrated at the stroke of a pen, especially when a trial by jury has been denied to the debtor, while cunningness to use the law against the rights of a citizen and to attack him, he who is defenseless, he who bears on a day to day basis for decades, financial hardship, has a credit score but is a one sided story, there is no place for a statement in his "Dun and Bradstreet Rating" by the creditor concerning his explanation of his poor credit.

 The events of this ambitious if not criminal oversight, where one must consider the sophistication's of, “white collar crime”, as investigative grounds in the defense of all parties involved.

In my case, after seven years it would seem that I have no legal limit of stature protecting me from a debt surrounded by suspicion, while I am still responsible for and suffer the consequences of this debt.

Conversely, after seven years, the legal limit of stature, could actually protect a 3rd party who may have been instrumental in intentionally and or illegally causing the debt to occur, while afterwards the debtor is still paying, as a consequence of his denial of a fair trial, and  because there is a need to check a little box, to request an oral argument.

An act of competitive sabotage is not beyond the scope of understanding the nature of some financial crimes that constitute criminal intention in everyday business.

My perspective, and point of view regarding my legal grounds and financial position has been met with poor or no results from a variety of government offices including the Federal Trade Commission and the Inspector Generals Office.

In the case that it is acknowledged that the legal limit of stature does not leave exempt, in this case, the third party, from its legitimate disposition, for example; 
to conspire a means to use the, “legal limit of stature”, to render the victim of a felony crime defenseless, he who doesn't know what hit him may find many years will go by quickly, especially when he is the victim of a cross fire and gets hit not only by a "defense department contractor, but others who share in the profits of his un-justice.

While the victim debtor pays and suffers the debt and loss of credit for years beyond the “legal limit of stature”, possibly for the rest of his life.",  

There remains the facts of property rights, which in the case of patents or “patents to be”, 
when they are “financial information”, of value such as assets and or the development of assets, will come under a Federal Jurisdiction, and therefore a legal limit of stature would be pertinent in defending, properties acquired by criminal acts, especially when this ruling leaves the defendant defenseless, whereby the proprietaries would be protected by the laws governing ownership by virtue of documents such as those pertaining to patent licensing and intellectual property rights.

The rightfulness or fairness and legitimacy in question, concerns the past, present and future of, fair defense for all, including the individual and his credit worthiness, in this case mine, that has been and now is and will be jeopardized and deprived.

When, at the time of the credit line appropriation by Textron, Bell had prior knowledge of the my business, Survival Gear, and that I had designs on Rescue Helmets, these were previously disclosed to BELL, (the helmet company), in an email and telephone exchange, however, at that time Textron appropriated my line of credit, I had no idea that Textron was a company belonging to BELL, nor knew that BELL the helicopter company was also BELL the Helmet company, further , I was under the impression  when first realizing that Textron was a BELL company and had become my creditor, that I had a friend in the business" and sought the benefits of this association, trusted and submitted various technology developments and progress reports that concerned the advent of Helicopter Rescue Equipment.

The true value of the equipment is that it allows the helicopter to make the maneuvers as seen in the video.

The helicopter rescue as illustrated in the Ocean Rescue Video is involved in maneuvers that are not possible without the use of equipment that originated from the Survival Gear Company,

This technology, (a conceptualization was conceived by me at that time and therefore expected to be used as material for filing a patent or patents), the technology, although is not known to be a prior art in its use for aerodynamically engineered advantages in helicopter rescue or line use, is a proven mechanical technology, that can be relied upon for manufacturing and is  patentable, for use as an aviation equipment that can improve the present function or use as an efficient means to save lives and create certain measures of safety for the helicopter rescue mission.

This information of a new concept or technology was described to Textron in the various reports submitted to them. To the best of my knowledge no other helicopters have this equipment and in my opinion is an essential necessity that concerns the future of the helicopter industry. 

Further, updated technical developments are now established or disclosed by the conception of the inventor, as to have advantages over the known or previously existing technologies, created and introduced by him.

One such advantage is the advent of water and land delivery equipment for the advantages over mid-air refueling technologies.

In my association with Textron, I requested contact with Textron's, "in house small business support", since Textron sent me advertisements, that they were there to support small business.

As previously stated I desired to benefit by an association with a Helicopter company who now held my line of credit, an association that I trusted, I sent  Textron progress reports so that my association with them would also be trusted.

Further, I  prepared a business plan to be submitted to their small business office, . . I eventually spent a good deal of time with a SCORE representative who guided me through to a satisfactory plan introduction, which made reference the need to finance and my plan and intentions to make the company’s business profitable, while giving BELL a chance to make economy for themselves and support purchase, and or otherwise share in the futures of SAR developments as an industry.

The nature of the apparent deceptions would also allow me to suspect without blame, that there was political involvement within the State of New Jersey, as I was denied a trial by jury, under skeptical circumstances and I sight this occurred during the time when,"Nex-Gen" an aviation venture was in progress, originating in the FAA, whereby this Federal and State business could be used to promote Aviation ventures under the guise of “Advanced Radar Technologies”,  and that it could easily have been used to convert or launder assets and proposed contracting into its future such as, "Defense Department", contracts for the designs and manufacturing of aviation technologies, and that any suspected in such crimes of deception would lead complaints to federal statutes, and therefore go unrecorded in court, where and when a citizen is deprived by trickery treachery and  fraudulent con versions, including a political private sector misplacement of funds amounting in this case a  billion dollar enterprise, that can be  explained away when the criminal element and intention looses technical ground as you now see, in the case of the disclosure of new technical elements such as the refueling technology claims. The sum of a billion dollars of lost money that may have only been a bookies promise to one of his customers and entered into reinvestment books, in other words the billion in cash actually never was it was only an entry on the books as part of a knowledge that the helicopter industry would become there ace in the hole, a cash cow, try to figure of  the rest of this.  
When the time came for it to conveniently be found after the demise of the inventor,
after this money would be found where it could be again posted to its profit making asset at which time the economic leaders would be having the finest times, political celebrations would take place, celebrating the political spirit and headlines would read of, " no scandal attached to missing billion", and " politician vindicated", “State scores jobs”, “the governor is headed for the White House”, while flying our flag honorably over another soldiers grave.

I site a previous dilemma concerning the SBA Small Business Disadvantage Status, in the years after 1982, I started a business in the state of New Jersey, was in freeze dried bait, I needed a commercial freezer to store bait, I visited the Industrial Park nearby and Inquired about a Commercial Freezer lockers, but it did not exist there.

Someone made a federal loan to build one, I then went to another bank to make a loan to keep things going, I went there on Friday the Banker at the Doylestown Federal was out to lunch, I told the Secretary I will come back on Monday, the banker died over the weekend.
During this time I sent for collateral reasons an automated parking technology to 
a Bank in the Center of the small city of Cape May, that was in the 80's, I am now finding out 
that that design structure is manufactured in Germany. And the banker who received the letter, is gone and so is the bank. 

Soon after the freezer burnt down before it was built, and the man there who was the American Economic Development Council died. Actually I have not looked into a small disadvantage business status but am now wondering if I qualify, . . if I do they may want one half of the loan down, which before crowd lending would have been impossible.

I now have another enemy Cancer, been through surgery, chemo and radiation, (my medical surgeries- ID 509-57-51  Massachusetts General Hospital) also chemo and radiation at Shore Memorial Cancer Center.

What I'd like to do is what I think is the American thing to do and that is sue Textron of Bell
for damages, people who do things the way they do are not good for the defense department, if you can't fight crime then you can't defend freedom.

Personally, . .

I think this is a fertile ground for the creation of investments with copyrights and the technical details that concern the various mechanical elements of the equipment products
and  capabilities. For now the plan is to build the HELSAR  of the future is in selling
securities and letting those monies put a capable and dependable management into place.
Possibly a company like, Boeing or Sikorsky, will want to buy a lions share, if so they will
be free to do so, if the U.S. Government, somehow has the Procurement Solicitation for 

these technologies, then possibly those departments of concern will have the established
interest levels where the future developments
might be managed in a reliable way, if that does not materialize then the company will seek a broader world wide market, possibly by acquiring the services of qualified aviation, machine and production engineers who have track records, and the patent attorneys to work with them to carry the work load of the

Enterprise of Freedom, the true mark of success.

On the Other Hand

I want to sell a company that I created.
I would be willing to answer any questions 
you may have. What I am selling is the company
and all of it's, (proprietaries) that it legally 
possesses, both referred and inferred,
including the art and the copyrights, 
whether they be commercial or technical.

This includes copyrights, that are pertinent 
originally derived from the associated technology 
that it illustrates.Therefore a buyer who knows 
what he is looking at will appreciate, the saying;
"what you see is what you get", .
If a person were to buy this company whether he be an 
industrialist or a investment person might have the founding
of what in these days might be termed a, "billion dollar
business". I am not saying that it is but I am also not 
saying that it isn't.

That is usually by a management 
I must admit that the technologies described
and illustrated are a solid ground future.
The refueling project was created in 2015
The crafts mechanical technologies and controls 
for this are essential and clearly defined as
an equipment that clearly illustrate the


                                                 "Success is a result, not a goal"

In the case you want to donate, please
Funds are needed for the legal ground,
And A Professional assessment can be

  To see my work record for last
25 yrs. see these  blogs;

Next Generation Helicopters
Book In Progress
Invention and Design Illustrations

Products and Prices

Things to spend money on